Among the hills combed by the wind of the Sibillini Mountains and the breeze of the Adriatic Sea – characteristics of the landscapes of the Marche provinces of Fermo – the CCS salami factory produces its excellent artisan salami.
Each cured meat receives different care from butchers’ hands with experience and skills shaped on the basis of often millenary traditions, but above all linked to a place or an area in an essential way.
Each territory is therefore a mix of climate, environment, tradition that marries CCS recipes and carefully selected raw materials.
PGI products
The PGI (Protected Geographical Indication) legal protection mark is attributed by the European Union to foods whose peculiar qualitative characteristics depend essentially or exclusively on the territory in which they were produced. Whoever produces PGI must comply with the strict production rules established in the production disciplinary.
Our Salumificio produces the Ciauscolo IGP typical of the Marche, with artisan techniques handed down from generation to generation!